wtorek, 21 marca 2017

Foreign story? ...

He left me
Leftovers for dinner
And said he won't eat any more
Cause it wasn't the best idea
To build together a home

I ate it
With no emotion
I hated it
With all of my perfection
And I binged on it
As a purification

And he was just like - what ever
And he was just like - who cares
And our sad forever
Was nothing more than few years

I left him
A wallet on table
And said - I won't pay any more
Cause it wasn't the best idea
Trying to buy us a home

He took it
With no emotion
He hated it 
With all of his perfection
And he put it
With the rest of his collection

And I was just like - what ever
And I was just like - who cares
Cause our sad together
Cost us only few years

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